Different Types of Incubators in Kenya Today

An incubator is an insulated closed equipment where; humidity, or temperature can be controlled at the levels optimum for reproduction, growth, or hatching. This article will explain on types of incubators, features for varieties of incubators, and any information about incubators.

Various incubators are used for different tasks; bacteriological, poultry, and infant incubators. Each category of the incubator has a task that accomplishes.

Poultry Incubators

Poultry incubators can keep the fertilized eggs of chickens in a warmer environment until they are ready to hatch. The incubator price in Kenya today may differ from ancient times when the rooms were heated by fires to hatch the chicken eggs. Also, another type of incubator was introduced; the incubators used kerosene lamps to heat water or air concerning the eggs.

Modern incubators are spacious rooms that are heated with the help of electricity. Bigger electric fans surround the air to maintain constant temperatures, and the eggs are turned automatically more than eight times per day.

Enormous commercial incubators may hold as many eggs as seventy-five thousand inside them at one time. This aspect means seventy-five chicks may hatch at once if one owns the modern incubator.

Bacteriological incubators

Bacteriological incubators give a balanced environment to enhance microorganism or bacterial growth. Are insulated enclosed thermostats for the regulation and maintenance of a consistenttemperature?

There is circulationof hot air above the shelves with Petri flasks, dishes, and other cultural media. Medically, these bacteriological incubators are generally used in the identification of disease-causing microorganisms in patients.

The patient’s blood sample’s components or other body fluids are then put into the culture media that may be available in the incubator. Once the microorganisms have multiplied in number, they are possibly recognized with a heightened certainty.

Also, these incubators are utilized in biochemistry, microbiology, dairy, and plants that deal with water sewage treatment.

Infant incubators

An infant incubatoris typically used to give a conducive environment for infants born before due time, for example, premature infants or infants that are not enough to maintain room temperature.

These incubatorsare glass-walled boxes that may contain portholes that are fitted with rubber gloves whereby nurses can take care of the infants. Most of these incubators are generally fitted with unique gadgets to control and operate the concentration and amount of oxygen air in the incubator.

The control of the concentration of oxygen is necessary since some of the infants require either lesser or greater amounts of air depending on the disease they may be infected with or the disease may possess. Infant incubators control the humidity in the closure as well.

An infant incubatoris also designed and made in a way to offer a controlled, safe space for infants to live while their vital organs develop. These incubators provide an adjustable environment with ideal temperature conditions and adequate light, oxygen, and humidity.


There are different types of incubators in the markets. One can choose the incubator that one may be interested in, depending on the work that needs to do with the incubator. For instance, incubators are used for premature infants, biological incubators for microorganisms, and poultry for egg hatching.